Remény kategória idézetei
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Ez itt az Ön idézetének a helye. Küldjön be Ön is idézetet az oldalra!
Never have false hope for granted wishes, but always have true faith in answered prayers. |
What a person always hopes for is something better than what he has. |
If your love does not work with that person, it just means that someone else loves you more. |
Everyone is someone's dream. |
Maybe the reason why I haven't found who I've been searching for is because I know that I've already found him. It's just up to him to say whether I am who he has been waiting for... |
If you lose hope in other people, then they will lose hope in you. However, if you continue to love them and be there for them, then they will always be there for you. |
I wish today were tomorrow; therefore I could see you now! |
I can only grant you one wish, the wish that asks for hope. |
One day you'll love me, the way I loved you. One day you'll think of me the way I thought of you. One day you'll cry for me, the way I cried for you. One day you'll want me, but I won't want you. |
Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. |
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