Ismeretlen idézetei<<< angol idézetek
I know we're meant to be these hard-headed, money-obsessed professionals but we're still little boys at heart. Just ask our wives. |
To think of playing cricket for hard cash! Money and gentility would ruin any pastime under the sun. |
The more you sweat in practice, the less you bleed in battle. |
One day of practice is like one day of clean living. It doesn't do you any good. |
A player who conjugates a verb in the first person singular cannot be part of the squad, he has to conjugate the verb in the first person plural. We. We want to conquer. We are going to conquer. Using the word "I" when you're in a group makes things complicated. |
I would have thought that the knowledge that you are going to be leapt upon by half-a-dozen congratulatory, but sweaty team-mates would be inducement not to score a goal. |
October is not only a beautiful month but marks the precious yet fleeting overlap of hockey, baseball, basketball, and football. |
To me, boxing is like a ballet, except there's no music, no choreography, and the dancers hit each other. |
I don't know. I never smoked AstroTurf. |
Andre Dawson has a bruised knee and is listed as day-to-day. Aren't we all? |
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