Ismeretlen idézetei<<< angol idézetek
It is incontestable that music induces in us a sense of the infinite and the contemplation of the invisible. |
Music is love in search of a word. |
A song has a few rights the same as ordinary citizens... if it happens to feel like flying where humans cannot fly... to scale mountains that are not there, who shall stop it? |
Music, once admitted to the soul, becomes a sort of spirit, and never dies. |
Are we not formed, as notes of music are,
For one another, though dissimilar? |
An artist, in giving a concert, should not demand an entrance fee but should ask the public to pay, just before leaving as much as they like. From the sum he would be able to judge what the world thinks of him - and we would have fewer mediocre concerts. |
Country music is three chords and the truth. |
The discovery of song and the creation of musical instruments both owed their origin to a human impulse which lies much deeper than conscious intention: the need for rhythm in life the need is a deep one, transcending thought, and disregarded at our peril. |
Music that gentlier on the spirit lies,
Than tired eyelids upon tired eyes. |
My whole trick is to keep the tune well out in front. If I play Tchaikovsky, I play his melodies and skip his spiritual struggle. |
<<< vissza az oldal tetejére
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