Ismeretlen idézetei<<< angol idézetek
Each year your birthday reminds me
That I really want to say
I'm very glad I know you;
I think of you each day.
I hope you enjoy your birthday,
All the pleasures it has in store,
And because I appreciate you,
I hope you have many more! |
On your birthday I wish you much pleasure and joy;
I hope all of your wishes come true.
May each hour and minute be filled with delight,
And your birthday be perfect for you! |
Its a nice feeling when you know that someone likes you, someone thinks about you, someone needs you;but it feels much better when you know that someone never ever forgets your birthday. |
Step by step the journey goes on,
Little by little it may seem so long.
Forget about your past, you can't change it,
Forget about your future, you cant predict it.
Just think about present, you can handle it.
Enjoy presents every moment & be happy. |
In my past life, god said a gem is going to be born on (date) and i give u a boon that u get to be this beautiful gem's friend...couldnt ask for anything more but thank the god for giving me a friend like u...happy birthday and dont forget that someone somewhere is wishing for ur happiness on every falling star. |
The museum curator called today and spoke in animated tones. He has a team of scientists who want to carbon date your bones!! Have a great birthday |
Birthday is the main festival with invitations, wishes, gifts, friends, and free animated ecards. |
Its always a treat to wish Happy Birthday to someone so Sweet. |
May this birthday be just the beginning of a year filled with happy memories, wonderful moments and shinning dreams. |
How do you expect me to remember your birthday, when you never look any older? |
<<< vissza az oldal tetejére
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