Ismeretlen idézetei<<< angol idézetek
I'm tired of Love: I'm still more tired of Rhyme.
But Money gives me pleasure all the time. |
Money does not pay for anything, never has, never will. It is an economic axiom as old as the hills that goods and services can be paid for only with goods and services. |
I once met an economist who believed that everything was fungible for money, so I suggested he enclose himself in a large bell-jar with as much money as he wanted and see how long he lasted. |
Every one, even the richest and most munificent of men, pays much by cheque more light-heartedly than he pays little in specie. |
Few are aware that they want any thing, except pounds schillings and pence. |
Money will buy you a pretty good dog, but it won't buy the wag of his tail. |
Earth gets its price for what Earth gives us,
The beggar is taxed for a corner to die in,
The priest hath his fee who comes and shrives us,
We bargain for the graves we lie in;
At the devil's booth are all things sold,
Each ounce of dross costs its ounce of gold;
For a cap and bells our lives we pay.
Bubbles we buy with a whole soul's tasking,
'Tis heaven alone that is given away,
'Tis only God may be had for the asking,
No price is set on the lavish summer;
June may be had by the poorest comer. |
I am having an out of money experience. |
The economy depends about as much on economists as the weather does on weather forecasters. |
...existence has become an unreasoning, wild dance around the golden calf, a mad worship of God Mammon. In that dance and in that worship man has sacrificed all his finer qualities of the heart and soul - kindness and justice, honor and manhood, compassion and sympathy with his fellowman. |
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