Ismeretlen idézetei<<< angol idézetek
I love Christmas.
I receive a lot of
wonderful presents
I can’t wait to exchange. |
Two things upon this changing earth
can neither change nor end;
the splendor of Christ’s humble birth,
the love of friend for friend. |
Your friendship is a glowing ember
through the yar n each december
from its warm n livin spark
W kindle flame against da dark n
with its shining radiance light
our tree of faith on Christmas night. |
Lets welcome the year
which is fresh and new,
Lets cherish each moment it beholds,
Lets celebrate this blessful New year.
Merry X-mas |
Can I have your picture,
so Santa Claus knows exactly
what to give me.
Happy Christmas. |
If one night a big fat man jumps in at your window,
grabs you and puts you in a sack
don’t worry I told Santa
I wanted you for CHRISTMAS.
Have an ideal Christmas;
an occasion that is celebrated
as a reflection of your values,
desires, affections, traditions. |
Heap on the wood!-
the wind is chill;
But let it whistle as it will,
We’ll keep our Christmas merry still. |
May the joy and peace of Christmas
be with you all through the Year.
Wishing you a season of blessings
from heaven above. Happy Christmas |
May the good times and treasures of the present
become the golden memories of tomorrow.
Wish you lots of love, joy and happiness.
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