Ismeretlen idézetei<<< angol idézetek
History... is, indeed, little more than the register of the 'crimes, follies, and misfortunes' of mankind. But what experience and history teach is this - that peoples and governments have never learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it. |
Whosoever, in writing a modern history, shall follow truth too near the heels, it may haply strike out his teeth. |
History is a gallery of pictures in which there are few originals and many copies. |
The past is really almost as much a work of the imagination as the future. |
History is a pack of lies about events that never happened told by people who weren't there. |
The past actually happened but history is only what someone wrote down. |
Knowledge of history frees us to be contemporary. |
A look at the past reminds us of how great is the distance, and how short, over which we have come. The past makes us ask what we have done with us. It makes us ask whether our very achievements are not ironical counterpoint and contrast to our fundamental failures. |
Histories used often to be stories: the fashion now is to leave out the story. Our histories are stall-fed: the facts are absorbed by the reflexions, as the meat is sometimes by the fat. |
Whose game was empires and whose stakes were thrones,
Whose table earth, whose dice were human bones. |
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